A photo of AerieHub on four different devices over a picture of a misty forest

Go Green With AerieHub

“Going green” refers to an effort to cultivate environmentally-friendly, or “sustainable” practices in our daily lives and work places. AerieHub offers facilities a way to “go green” that has many advantages well beyond benefiting the environment. 

1. Save Money: AerieHub is a digital library for all of your facility documents and drawings. The ability to view and share documents online means less printing, saving you money on large scale printers, ink and paper. 

2. Save Time: AerieHub’s document management system organizes your critical documents into an intuitive library where you can quickly find what you need. No more wasted time searching through mountains of paper to find critical documents. This allows employees to focus their energy on more productive and profitable tasks.

3. Save Space: Free up valuable space in your office by eliminating the need for walls of filing cabinets and binders. With AerieHub, old documents and drawings can be scanned and organized into an easily accessible online archive.

4. Improved Security: An AerieHub digital library lives securely in the Cloud, which makes it not only accessibly 24/7, but also keeps documents safe from fire and water damage, loss, or theft.

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Document Management Brochure


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Space Management Brochure


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Compliance Brochure


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