Photo of a torn and marked up architectural drawing.

Don’t Get Left Behind in a Digital World

Feeling left out as your peers go digital with their facility drawings and documents? View Aerie Engineering’s informative Lunch & Learn (Originally aired on March 22, 2023) where Lori Morton, Founder of AerieHub, talks about making the transition from paper to digital.

You will learn how to organize, scan/digitize, and make your documents accessible to your team.

We’ll answer your questions about:

  • How to store scanned documents
  • How to make sure your documents are secure
  • Software options for easy searching and sharing of your documents

Who should attend: Facility/Plant Managers, Safety Resource Officers & anyone trying to figure out how to protect documents from wear, loss, and damage.

Lori Morton is an expert in Facility Management and Construction and is the former President of Aerie Engineering. Over the years, she has seen many, many archive rooms.

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