Best software of 2022

AerieHub Makes the Capterra ShortList

AerieHub has been named a top Facility Management Software by Capterra, an online service that helps organizations find the right software.

In response to being included on the Capterra Shortlist, Lori Morton, President and CEO of AerieHub, stated, “We are so honored to receive this recognition from Capterra. AerieHub Users are always foremost in our mind as we continue to improve AerieHub. Making their lives easier is our goal.”

Capterra Shortlist is an independent assessment that evaluates user reviews and online search activity to generate a list of market leaders in the Facility Management software space that offer the most popular solutions. You can view the Shortlist report here.

*The Capterra Shortlist constitutes the subjective opinions of individual end-user reviews, ratings, and data applied against a documented methodology; they neither represent the views of, nor constitute an endorsement by, Capterra or its affiliates.

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