A AerieHub document search screen shown in juxtaposition to a messy archive room.

In AerieHub, Search and You Shall Find

Wouldn’t it be nice if you and your team could spend more time managing facility projects instead of searching for documents in the archive room? Locating a particular drawing in a stack of paper can take hours; in AerieHub, it takes seconds.

What makes it so easy to find documents in an AerieHub library?

1. Intuitive Design. AerieHub’s clean design makes it easy to move through various screens to locate what you need.

2. Smart Search Options. AerieHub’s search options allow you to quickly locate documents or refine your selections using additional criteria.

3. ExpertiseEach AerieHub library is supported by a team of specialists dedicated to managing the document data and providing you with assistance as needed. 

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