Emergency vehicles and an iPad screen that shows AerieHub's emergency page which offers access to life saving documents.

Information Saves Lives

One of the biggest factors affecting emergency workers’ ability to quickly address a crisis is their access to information. With AerieHub’s easy-to-use, online app, you can instantly retrieve and share information with law enforcement or fire department personnel. Critical information such as the location of evacuation routes, building entrances / exits, emergency shut-off valves, safe rooms etc. is at your fingertips, on any smart device, enabling a fast, effective response.

The recent passing of the American Rescue Plan Act has allotted funding to schools specifically for upgrading campus infrastructure. Many schools administrators have opted to use this money for security upgrades with lasting value. For more information on the ARP Act and education, go here. Let us show you how AerieHub can be part of your security solution.

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