Image showing co-workers at a table collaborating.

Aerie Vision

Finding what you need to manage facilities should be easy!  At Aerie, we truly believe we are improving the world by writing great software that makes it easy to find what you need, when you need it, wherever you are.

Aerie Mission

We simplify your world… one document at a time, one space at a time, one compliance report at a time, one training session at a time. AerieHub was inspired by a facility manager who understood the value of simple and intuitive access to information for anyone who needed it.

Aerie Values

We strive to follow The Platinum Rule: “Treat others the way they want to be treated.” To follow this principle, we adhere to these values: 

Integrity: we do what we say we will do
Respect: for our employees, our support team, and our customers
Seek to Understand: engage, listen, and ask questions
Innovate: look for new and better solutions in all we do
Delivery: communicate effectively and execute efficiently
Service: our clients are vital to our success

Aerie Culture

At Aerie, we encourage creativity, we encourage thinking out of the box and taking calculated risks, we encourage listening, open communication, and trial and error. We try new things, we brainstorm ideas, we face challenges. As a forward-thinking company we look enjoy tackling the ever-evolving and expanding needs of our clients.

We like working with people who are detail-oriented but can also appreciate the big picture. We are tech-savvy, care about making a difference in the lives of our customers and enjoy collaborative efforts.

Interested in working at AerieHub? Please email us a resume and cover letter (PDF or Word Doc) here.

Aerie's Future

We want to become the HUB through which critical facility information is stored and accessed. To do this, we will continue to innovate and ask what facility owners need.  We will seek out like-minded software applications for integration so clients can get to their information from one portal seamlessly.  We will partner with Value-Added-Resellers who can deliver excellent quality and provide hands-on support to clients around the world.

Are you a like-minded company and want to explore working with Aerie? Do you offer a service and want to learn more about becoming a VAR for AerieHub?
Let’s talk! Please contact us here.

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AerieHub Brochure


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Document Management Brochure


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Space Management Brochure


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Compliance Brochure


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Training Brochure


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